Learn more about biomechanics!
For those who want to learn more about the basics of biomechanics! Remember ‘knowledge is power!’
PR-WOD Friday November 4
3D exploration of pronation and 3D exploration of supination in the lower limb.
Finding Centre
Learn how the body becomes “as balanced as possible” and why this is important!
Core and Cogs
You’ve probably heard of the importance of core stability but what about core mobility?! The pelvis and rib cage/thoracic spine need to freely move in 3 dimensions to efficiently give your core something to do!
Spine mechanics
Simple explanation of some spine biomechanics.
Muscle tightness
Long and tight muscles vs. Short and tight muscles. Do you know the differences??
Foot pronation and supination
Thorough explanation of foot pronation and supination and why it is so invaluable!
Pelvic tilting
Short explanation on pelvic tilting.