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PR-WOD Strength Training 1.10
Get stronger and more resilient!
Squat focus (aka triple flexion: dorsiflexion, knee flexion, hip flexion) with upper body extension strength and mobility. Enjoy!
Equipment needed: wall space, chair, dowel/broom stick, wedge.
Up Next in Get stronger and more resilient!
PR-WOD Strength Training 1.8
Today’s session will help you find your true centre. It explore movement in all 3 planes of motion (1. Sagittal 2. Frontal 3. Transverse) and in all 6 degrees of freedom (anterior/posterior tilts, side-bend left/side-bend right, rotate left/rotate right). This is as thorough as it gets yet fairly...
PR-WOD Strength Training 1.7
Upper body mobility. The curtsy lunge and fencer lunge will provide much needed strength and mobility to your hips.
PR-WOD Strength Training 1.6
Floorcogs. 9090 knee rolls. Plank w/knee drives. Pushups. Slow sumo. Slow lunge. Sumo step outs to lunge