Recover better!
Mostly passive routines designed to stimulate your parasympathetic (aka rest and digest) system. Great way to accelerate recovery and wind down post run!
PR-WOD Recovery 1.8
Forward fold. Baby cobra. Kneeling adductors. Low dragon with wedge. Downdog. Childs pose.
Equipment recommended: towel/wedge.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.7
Foam roller routine: calves, quads, glutes, lats, thoracic spine.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.6
Half saddle. Standing straddle. Lizard.
Equipment recommended: foam roller/pillow.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.5
Pigeon. Dragon. Fragon. Bretzle. Saddle Eagle. Breath work.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.4
Post speed workout. Foot/calf rolling. Kneeling hip flexor stretch. 3D eccentric heel drops. Hamstring flossing.
Equipment needed: tennis/lax ball, wall space.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.3
Sphinx. Lizard. Twisted Lizard. Deep squat.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.2
Hamstring stretch. Saddle archer. Frog. TS rotation.
PR-WOD Recovery 1.1
Hip 9090. Low dragon. Twisted cross. Childs pose. Breath work.