PR-WOD Injury prevention (Prehab) work of the day

$12.99 a month after 7-day free trial


Modern lifestyles have out-sourced much of the movement we NEED to move well and stay healthy. Our lives are more sedentary and running is very repetitive. Yet the human body needs VARIABILITY. PR-WOD will help you regain the movements your body craves.


Injuries are far too common in running. Every year up to 50% of runners will get injured. PR-WOD is here to help! We all know the benefits to improving our STRENGTH and MOBILITY but rarely stick to it long enough to see real results. PR-WOD is your solution. Bite size sessions that when done consistently can have huge impacts.


Whether it’s simply staying healthy to continue to enjoy the sport you love or to finally break through to set a PR or get a BQ, PR-WOD might just be your secret weapon!

Principles of PR-WOD (Principles > Goals)

1. Quality > Quantity (or said another way quality before quantity)
2. Frequency > Amplitude (Consistency is 🔑)
3. Full body > isolated intervention (we are not an assembly of parts, everything is connected!)
4. Clear direction > complicated idealism (don’t overcomplicate things! Just keep showing up)
5. Variability > fixed routines (the body NEEDS and CRAVES variability in movement)
6. Accountability > unaccountability (get your moneys worth!)
7. Fundamentals > complex exercises
8. True fix > quick fix (Get real results!)

Expected outcomes:

- Reduce the risk of injuries
- Improve movement —> improve performance
- increase in enjoyment!

All for about the price of a SINGLE yoga class!

NOW with weekly strength training sessions designed to promote a balanced, resilient and strong body. 💪🏃🏾



  • Move better and prevent injury!

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    Do your body a favour and warm up with PR-WOD’s pre-run routines. PR-WOD’s goal is to make your run more efficient. Addressing common areas of restriction yet taking a full body approach. Unfortunately no single routine will ever suffice. Luckily PR-WOD has a different routine everyday to provide...

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  • FOUNDATION series

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    Week 2: the hips!
    Week 3: the upper body!
    Week 4: full body!

  • Learn more about biomechanics!

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    For those who want to learn more about the basics of biomechanics! Remember ‘knowledge is power!’