Move better and prevent injury!
Do your body a favour and warm up with PR-WOD’s pre-run routines. PR-WOD’s goal is to make your run more efficient. Addressing common areas of restriction yet taking a full body approach. Unfortunately no single routine will ever suffice. Luckily PR-WOD has a different routine everyday to provide the variety and variability the body needs! Enjoy your run!
Prehab 1.1
Ball rolling. Toe drops. TS rotation, Deadbug with wall.
Equipment needed: lax/tennis ball, wall.
Prehab 1.2
Bird dog. Bridge series. Side Bridge. Reverse Nordics. Heel raise with ball.
Equipment recommended: tennis/lax ball.
Prehab 1.3
TS rotation. Side lying knee2knee. Burrito foot mobilization. Reverse curtsy lunge.
Equipment needed: wall space, towel.
Prehab 1.4
Modified cat camel. Plank. Bird dog. Foam roller bridge. Reverse toe drops.
Equipment recommended: foam roller, wall space.
Prehab 1.5
Modified cat/camel, YWT’s, Foot walks, Lunge Matrix.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 1.6
Kneeling hip flexors. Supinating foot drill. Foot screws. Frog bridge.
Equipment recommended: wedge/towel.
Prehab 1.7
Hip 9090. 3 foot stretches. Deadbug. Foam roller bridge.
Equipment needed: towel, foam roller.
Prehab 1.8
Baby cobra. Cat camel. Slow scorpions. Hip rotations. Standing calf isometrics.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 1.9
Burrito foot mobilization. Modified cat camel. YWT’s. Prone hip abduction/extension.
Equipment recommended: wedge/towel.
Prehab 2.0
Childs pose. 9090 knee rolls. Wall stride. Standing hip rotations.
Equipment needed: chair/bench, wall space.
Prehab 2.1
Hip 9090. Shinbox. Reverse Nordics. Extreme ISO sumo holds.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 2.2
Modified cat camel. 8 point plank. Table top hip rotations. Fencer lunge.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 2.3
Hip 9090. Shinbox. Burrito foot mobilization. Foot walks.
Equipment needed: wedge/towel.
Prehab 2.4
Hip 9090. Frog bridge. Burrito foot mobilization. Sumo isometric squat.
Equipment needed: towel/burrito size object.
Prehab 2.5
Floor cogs. Around the world. Wall TS rotation. Breath work.
Equipment recommended: foam roller.
Prehab 2.6
Baby cobra. Prone shoulder 9090. Lunge rotations. Lunge Matrix.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 2.7
Hip 9090. Prone hip abduction/extension. Side bridge. Foot walks 2.0.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 2.8
Child’s pose with thread the needle. 3D hip flexor stretch. Foam roller bridge. Reverse toe drops.
Equipment recommended: foam roller/step.
Prehab 2.9
Toe yoga. Around the world. Bridge walkout. Lateral foot shuffles.
Equipment: foam roller or pillows, socks if on hard/smooth surface.
Prehab 3.0
Prone hip abduction/extension. Floor hurdles. Burrito foot mobilization. Supinating foot drill. Extreme ISO lunge hold.
Equipment needed: wedge/towel
Prehab 3.1
Toe yoga. Floor cogs. Bridge walkout. Toe drops.
Equipment needed: wall space.
Prehab 3.2
Kneeling hip flexor stretch. Standing 3D hip flexor stretch. Curtsy lunge. Standing calf isometrics.
No equipment needed.
Prehab 3.3
Open book/TS rotation. Deadbug. Bearcrawl. Curtsy lunge. Foot walks 2.0
No equipment needed.
Prehab 3.4
Floor Hurdles. Bear Crawl. YWT’s. Foot clocks. Foot walks 2.0
No equipment needed.